from the book I'm reading (Forgotten Garden, by Kate Morton.)
"Cassandra couldn't help herself. She curled up on her side in the center of the camp bed. It was the perfect place for reading, cool and quiet and secret. Cassandra always hid when she read, though she never quite knew why. It was as if she couldn't shake the guilty suspicion that she was being lazy, that surrendering herself so completely to something so enjoyable must surely be wrong."
I totally get this. Reading is such a guilty pleasure, isn't it? Essential, but still, I can relate to Cassandra's thoughts in this quote.
What about you?
I had a dream last night about Kendell and me arguing over reading. This wouldn't matter except we do it in real life, too! ;) Either you get the reading thing or you don't, and those who don't tend to find it a waste of time. I feel guilty when I read but at the same time, I refuse to feel guilty when I read. If that makes sense...
Love the quote!
Oh yes, it is my guilty pleasure. I tell Ken I'm going to brush my teeth and 45 minutes later (after reading), I emerge from the bathroom where I've been hiding!
Oh yes. So true. Sigh.
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