Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Currently - The March Edition

Dreading: all the stupid metaphors that go along with the college basketball playoffs. I hate them - the Cinderella Team, who's going to the Big Dance - blech. So lame and they just keep using them over and over and over each year. Come up with something new, or even better yet, don't talk about them at all (might be kind of a all order.)

Wriggling: with excitement that I ran my fastest mile in a year yesterday. I am the world's laziest runner - I'm devoted but but very slow. But I had the perfect combination: a strong wind at my back, a downhill mile in front of me, and my son on his bike accompanying me on my run. It was awesome.

Smiling: that Thomas was with me yesterday. He rode his bike the whole 3 miles. I loved just being out there with him, talking or not talking, watching him ride his bike on the trail in front of me, worrying about him being too close to the line where the cars would pass him. I think we will be doing this together a lot and I look forward to it.

Thinking: that all the mommying we have to do gets in the way of being a mom. Example: just having fun with the kids, enjoying being with them, instead of bugging them to clean their room and brush their teeth and please stop being so loud/silly/obnoxious/whatever. That is why vacations are awesome. Note: we are many months from any possible vacation. Probably won't happen until November, sigh, if even then. Maybe next year.

Watching: Downton Abbey. Now I get what all the fuss is about. I'm only 5 episodes in, but I'm hooked. If I could just curl up and exist on nothing more than Cadbury cream eggs and Downton Abbey, I would be happy.

Hiding: the fact that I'm also into the Vampire Diaries. I know. It's trashy and full of teenage angst and there are far too many deaths that go unnoticed for the typical small town, but I'm a sucker for Damon, aka Boone from Lost. He's so hot. And evil. And even more hot when he's evil. If there were a team Damon, I'd be on it. Plus Elena is way less obnoxious than Bella. Still a little whiney around the edges, but I've never seen Stephan or Damon carry her once. How refreshing.

Running: with a friend from my ward two days a week. It is so fun to have a running partner again. Well, not that I've had one that's ever been super consistent, but we get each other and we are companionable and our paces are relatively compatible and it works. Yay. She's building for a late spring marathon, so I'm building with her on her semi-long run days.

Anticipating: my kids being off track again. I love it but I don't. Maybe we will have a nice spring this year and they can spend a lot of time outside. Let's hope for that, okay?

Reading: The Diaries of Adam and Eve. My last book for this round of SDBBE. Love those girls, love all the marginalia.

Wearing: a new blue t-shirt and white sweater that I got at Banana Republic this weekend. I even have on capri's. Take that, March.

Bragging: that I went the whole winter without wearing socks to work. I either wore tights or open-toed shoes. I hate work socks and they all look stupid with my pants so I avoided them successfully. Yes!

Sporting: a paid-for haircut. And I colored my hair so it's dark, dark brown. Love it. I tried to make the underneath part be red but it didn't work - I think I'm going to go back to the girl who did and have her re-dye it so it's red. It's been 3 years since my last confession since I last had my hair done. I like it!

So what are you doing currently? Anything you are excited about?


Britt said...

Hiding: that I secretly watched The Bachelor last night during commercial breaks.

Shame. Shame on me.

I'm better than that.

And now that I know you're watching Downtown Abbey, I feel like I might just jump on the bandwagon.

Britt said...

I mean Downton Abbey.

Not that I've always thought it was Downtown Abbey. Ahem.

Amy Sorensen said...

Kendell found Downton Abbey for me. Now if I could just find some uninterrupted time to start watching!

Interesting thought about mommying. I mean...if you didn't teach those things, what kind of kid would you raise? But on the other hand, it is good to try and take time to just enjoy them.

also, good for you for running with Thomas. I confess: I like running alone. Jake wants to start doing a long run with me on the weekends and I need to wrap my mind around how I will do it, mentally. I'm just so used to going to my happy mental spot while I am running, I'm not sure how to mix running and mommying (to borrow your word!)

Lucy said...

Congrats on your fast mile!

Season 1 is much better than Season 2 of Downton. I loved it and now I like it. Still...there are definitely worse things you can watch. I just hate that they made it all soooooo dramatic:)

Post of picture of your fancy hair!!