Thursday, September 6, 2007

So, I’m feeling the blogging blues (not sure if they really exist, but I’ll call them that.) I don’t have anything earth-shattering to say today, but all day I’ve wanted to update my blog with SOMETHING. So I guess we’ll just see what comes out…

September is a strange month to me. I still feel like I should be going back to school, so I get a little restless this time of year. It must be something ingrained in us from all those years of starting a new life in the early autumn: new teachers, new classes, new friends, new clothes. It took me a few years to recognize that I get this way, so I just need to wait and it will pass.

One year I took this restlessness to the extreme and decided that I should be a nurse, and I signed myself up for a CNA course. Big mistake. It was a two-week course, and I was doing great up until the 4th day, when the teacher started going over how to change the nursing home patient’s colostomy bags. It FREAKED me out; I had had no idea going into the course that the resident’s poop would be in anything besides a toilet or a diaper. I quickly decided that my nice, safe desk job would do me fine, and I didn’t go back for the last of class or attempt the “clinical” week. So much for Nurse Becky.

This isn’t to say that I wouldn’t like to go back to school one day. I would LOVE to get a masters degree so that I could be a librarian or an English teacher (sorry, Amy, I always was a copycat!) Then I could go back to school each year with my kids and maybe I would lose the restlessness. Of course it might be that it is just something that comes with the change in the air.

I never used to like fall when I was younger. Now I like the repetitiveness of knowing what my trees will look like in a few weeks; of anticipating that Shane will cut back my dogwood tree too much, just like he does every year. I look forward to Conference Weekend, when my sisters and our families gather at my mom and dad’s house to visit and have one last outdoor get-together. It will be fun to see Thomas playing soccer again, each week’s game being a little colder, the wind a bit sharper than the previous.

Like it or not, fall is coming. Bring on the change!

This is a picture of one of our trees. I love how the leaves look in the fall!


Melanie said...

I understand what you mean. Last time I drove up to Primary Children's it was 8:30 am and all the students were clogging up Foothill headed to class. I was so jealous! I never knew that you took a CNA class. That's cool. I love fall, too, and I'm excited for your apple cake...

Lucy said...

I miss school too. But then I force myself to remember being so tired of it when I graduated. Someday, I hope to go back for a masters of some sort. Or...even just to take some classes.

funny about the CNA. That is a job for saints, I think. WAY too much poop involved.

K. Bitton said...

I am so glad to know that I am not the only one that gets restless in the fall! ;) I get the blogger blues seems like sometimes you just can't write about anything. It's good to hear from you. Sure do love you!

Anonymous said...

I'm giggling at Lucy's comment. The poop thing is what kept me from being a nurse, too.

I get the wanting-to-go-to-school feeling, too. You KNOW how much I want to get a Master's. Maybe one day when miraculous things happen in my life...since that's what it would take!