- My dad got another month’s reprieve at home. My mom is still finalizing the paperwork, so he will wait until July to make the big change. Sigh, does more time help or just put off the inevitable? I don’t know. But I am glad he won’t have to spend his birthday there.
- I’ve been sewing like crazy the past few weeks. I made a blanket for a friend at church, thanks to Amy’s great instructions on make rag quilts. Of course, I had left my camera at my mother-in-laws, so I didn’t get a picture of it. But it was cute. I’ve also been sewing a bunch of stuff that I started/bought at Christmas time. It seems a little weird to be working on nativity quilts and Christmas advent calendars in May/June, but it’s been fun, and I’m actually motivated for once, so I guess I better keep it up.
- For each month from now until November, someone in my life, be it a friend, neighbor, or family member, will be having a baby. Geez, I guess 2008 was the year to be pregnant. They seem to be coming out of the woodwork these days.
- I had my waking nightmare last Monday at the grocery store. We had stopped to grab some things for a Memorial Day BBQ we were heading to, and one of those items happened to be a six pack of alcoholic refreshment for my husband. Normally this isn’t a big deal, but as we were leaving the beer aisle, who do I run into but 2 nice neighbors who also go to my church. I spent 3 painful minutes talking with them, knowing that they knew what was in my cart, but refusing to acknowledge it. It really isn’t that big of a deal, I just hate to open myself or my family up to unfair judgment. I mean, I know they know that my husband doesn’t go to our church, but still…it sucked. But we had fun at the bbq, and I knew it would be something I could blog about. Too bad the post I came up with regarding it SUCKED and I’m sticking it in this listy thing. But now you know my nightmare and can join in on the fun. ;)
- Shane’s Grandma Mary had her 80th birthday last week. When we called to wish her a happy birthday, Grandpa told us, “Yeah, I never thought I’d be sleeping with an 80-year-old-woman, but now I am.” It was cute. One of the best things about being married to Shane is having grandparents again. I just love his grandpa; he holds a very tender place in my heart. He has filled a little of the void left by my grandpa Fuzz. There is just something so special about the grandparent/grandchild relationship, even if they are in-law grandparents.
- I’m participating in a book exchange. This is the second time I’ve done it, but I’m stressing more this time around. I get nervous picking out books for other people to read; I feel all this pressure to pick out a book that is smart and witty that in turn, you know, makes me look smart and witty. I think I might have failed this time around. So, if you are in my group, I hope you don’t hate my book. I thought about hating it, but since I picked it, I feel a certain sense of needing to stand up for it. Sigh. This book needs to pull more of its own weight.
I think that does it for my list. Oh, and speaking of books, I have Maria de los Santo’s newest book, Belong to Me, to read before Thursday. Why do I always wait until the last minute to do stuff? Has anyone read it yet? I loved, loved Love Walked In, so I’m hoping its good.
I, too, am having paranoia about the book I selected for the book exchange. Mine has plenty of wit, but no depth, so my commentary is full of sarcasm and meaningless anecdotes but no 'thought' because the book doesn't really make one think. I haven't finished it yet. I'm hoping to finish it today, and then maybe I can round up a back-up book just in case.
It shouldn't be this stressful, so let's just not worry about it -k-. You win some you lose some :)
Someone in another group chose Love Walked In.
I just finished my SBEE book and I loved mind up until the very end. Then it just sort of wimped out. Think if I write a mean review the author will comment on my blog??? ;)
One of the drawbacks of being a librarian is that I can't be on the hold list unless there is a staff copy. So, it'll probably be awhile before I read Belongs To Me, dang it! Let me know what you think!
And, I'm jealous that you have grandparents, even if they're of the in-law variety. I still miss ours!!!
The book exchange sounds fun, but I get how it could be stressful.
And, for some reason, even though I've never been in that situation, or even possibly might be, I get how you feel about the shopping trip. I like that you didn't acknowledge, or explain, because it doesn't matter. On either end.
Keep on blogging. I thought for sure I'd give it up last week, but my head is full of stuff this week. Unfortunately, that leaves very little time for reading other people's blogs! I just can't win.
I am glad to hear that about your dad. At least it is a little bit of good news, right? And I SO want to see your grocery store story that you said you wrote but didn't post. I wouldn't worry about those ladies. People are usually more open minded than you would think and if they aren't then they should be. I can't believe how much you read!
That's neat about your grandparents! We only have one left of Jeff's side and he thinks he is going pretty soon, I will miss him though. You know what's funny about the rag quilt instructions from amy is I just called her last weekend to send them to me as well!=) I went into Joann's and came out with a million ideas of quilts and such...I can't wait to get started! I realized just how much I love to quilt and sew. I was even looking at christmas quilts and think I am going to do one of those this summer too...wow! I can't stop myself!=) Anyway post pics of your next sewing project! Love you! I am glad you are doing well!
This is what happens when I'm playing blog-reading catch up. Even though I could easily read ahead before commenting on a time-sensitive post, I don't. And now I see that your Dad's still home, and I think it's wonderful that he gets to spend his birthday at home. I know it's still hard, but I hope this month is a really good one.
I know how you feel about the book exchange books! I stressed a lot the last time around and didn't end up with the greatest book. This time I picked a book pretty randomly off my shelf at the very last minute and I loved every last page of it to death. Maybe we're not supposed to think too hard about our book selections, you think?
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