Now for other stuff. I've been thinking about how much I like my little family. Two weeks ago, when we painted the kitchen, I took an extra day off. I told my boss as I asked for the day off that something would happen that would make me repent for scheduling an extra day. After all, I usually get 4 day weekends, anyway. She didn't believe me. That night, I started throwing up: I had the flu. Karma gets me every time.
So, I essentially had a 6 day weekend that week. It was heaven. I finished up the kitchen, colored Easter eggs with my friend and her kids, got my house extra clean for Easter, and spent time with my kids while they were on spring break.
Then this past week, I stayed home. Most of the time, I fill my two days off with lots and lots of activities, but I somehow found myself with 3 days of being at home. Thomas and Ben ran in and out of the house with their friends. I actually went to piano practice, which I'm sure shocked my teacher (I'd even practiced - who knew!). Yesterday I went through all the folders on my picture drive and deleted all he bad, blurry, and duplicate pictures.
Today I took my boys to their first ever stake conference. They were bored to tears, but I'm glad we were there together. And tonight, we walked up to Thomas' school to play basketball. In an adjoining field below the school were 6 antelope, grazing on the new spring grass. My boys were amazed. Looking out from the school's field, you can see three temples: Oquirrh Mountain, Jordan River, and the new Draper temple. How many people in the world can see three temples in the same vista?
I guess what I'm getting at is this: I like this little family of mine. As my boys get big and they start doing new things, I'm amazed that it was my fault they came into this world. Amazed, but also so grateful. We have a lot of fun together. I like the way my life feels: it feels right; like I am where I'm supposed to be and doing what I'm supposed to be doing. That is priceless to me.
Blogging slump or not, I'm a lucky girl.
1 comment:
Your family is great! I can't wait til my kids get a little older and I can enjoy the things you are going through.. Jayven is doing new things right now and it amazes me also, so I can say I know just how you are feeling, it is the best feeling ever!!
You are one lucky girl to be able to see 3 temples, I am super jealous! I miss being able to see a temple off in the distance!! Now I have to drive 30 minutes to either temple that is near me!! :( Oh well, at least I know they are there right??
I love you Beck!!
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