Shane and I planned the route, which was interesting since we live on a big old windy hill, which makes planning a flat course impossible. It was a challenge getting the course to include exactly 3.1 miles, but somehow we did it. Last night we went around and put up signs marking the path. I worried all night that the wind would blow them down, but I only had trouble with one sign. Thank heaven for duct tape, right?
The race was fun. Shane stayed with me the whole time, so we chatted and enjoyed the beautiful morning. Two girls were on our heels the whole time; I kept thinking, "You are NOT going to pass me!" And they didn't. I heard them saying how the hills were killing them, so I guess all the hills I've ran in this neighborhood have paid off. Sweet.
It was awesome. The ward had bananas and water at the finish line, and we sat and chatted about running with friends. It was fun to see people so relaxed, wearing sweaty clothes and giant smiles, commenting on the challenge of the hills they just conquered. Good times, fun memories.
Here are my shoes. And a picture of me, post-run. I look hot, huh? I just love my fly-away hair.
That's awesome that you had so much participation. We can hardly get people in our ward to come enjoy free food let alone run 3.1 miles.
Glad it went so well! Plus...I'm LOLing at Britt's comment. there aren't a lot of runners in my ward, either. I am envious of yours!
What was your time?
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