Here are a few letters I've been writing in my mind tonight.
Dear L-
Thanks for building my house! We like it! But, I sent you a letter 6 weeks ago and you just called me back about it this week. What is up with that? Anyway, I was glad you called me (finally) and even showed up (although I wish you had called first. But beggars can't be choosers.) It was awesome to discuss all the things that have been lingering. Looking forward to you fixing them.
However, I could have lived without your disappointment about how we did our sprinklers. The "Awe....." you expressed after you saw where we were putting our sprinkler box was really annoying. And your attitude about where you put your sprinklers...yeah, I didn't really care. I get it that you built this house, but we happened to buy it. If you cared so much about where sprinkler valve boxes and wire and timers went, you should have just done it yourself.
Hope to see you again in the next six weeks! TTYS, Me
Dear Wind,
I've grown to tolerate you. I can even enjoy you a little because you keep me cool when I'm running. But seriously, you need to know this is a neighborhood. There is a strict 25 mile per hour limit that you break every minute of every day. Can you stop? Or just take a long break? I don't mind if you would blow lightly during the night, but this all day thing is older after 10 years. Just see what you can do, ok?
Regards, Becky
Dear Jeanette,
Thanks for giving my absconded lilies and iris plants a home for the past 2 months. I loved knowing that a part of my old yard was waiting for me, safe and snug, in your yard. And thanks for all of the beautiful Asiatic lilies you graciously let me pilfer from your yard. Each and every one of them are now planted in my front flower bed. They are so pretty and I will think of you each time I see them. Thanks! Real friendship is providing a home for homeless plants, it seems. You rock.
Love, Becky
Good luck with that. I love lilies so yes, totally worth it!
You are most welcome, I am glad all my morning glory didn't suffocate them. I am so jealous of your weedless yard!
And I do also agree with you on the wind!
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