Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February Love Number 6

Back in 2008, I got my first running skirt (I blogged it here.) It took me a few months, but I eventually found myself trying to run in that skirt every chance I got. I still wear it, but I tend to wear it in the winter time over black leggings (because I like to have two layers, and why not have the second layer be a skirt, right?)

The past two years I have added to my running skirt collection greatly. I got a black Nike two Christmases ago when Shane won a Nordstrom gift card at his company party and he was kind enough to give it to me. (This skirt *might* be a tennis skirt, but I call it a running skirt, because that's what *I* chose to do with it.) I bought another black skirt at Target right before Ragnar, and that one quickly became my fave. It was my first skirt with a pocket - wahoo for being able to take a few Gu Chomps with me on my long runs. I wore that one all through the summer and fall. Then in November I found a scooter (think skirt with capris attached, rather than shorty shorts under the skirt). I've really enjoyed that one. And I've bought two Skirt Sports skirts - this one, but with purple flowers rather than pink, and this one in the pink crush/pink stripe print. (I just ordered this skirt - their skirts are on sale through tomorrow - hands down the best running skirt - the attached shorts never ever ride up - wahoo!) And who can forget our Ragnar sparkle skirts or the halloween sparkle and tutu I made for my Halloween half marathon.

I'm completely, 100% converted to the running skirt. I love how cute they are. I love that when I feel cute running, I feel fast. I love that they add a feminine aspect to this sport without taking away any credibility. I can be the same badass runner in a skirt as I can in a pair of old gym shorts - maybe even more, because who really feels up to their best in a pair of old gym shorts? Their functionality of being able to put a pair of tights underneath for cold-weather running makes them even more appealing to me.

Do you run in skirts? I dare you to just try one. I'm almost positive you'll never look back.


heidikins said...

I love my running skirts. LOVE them. I don't remember the last time I went running in anything else. :)


Melanie said...

I was just thinking about the sparkle skirt today. I'm excited to get one! Maybe I should go shopping with you sometime & I can find another one to try. I wouldn't mind being cuter while I run. :)

Britt said...

I worry that if I ran in a skirt, my cellulite would show.

That is... if I ran AT ALL...