(I am super tired, so if this post is kind of wonky...well, I'm kind of wonky, so no wonder. Consider yourself warned! It's hard for me to speak a sentence when I'm tired, writing should be interesting.)
****Although I don't have a picture, I love seeing our flag waving in the breeze in front of our house. We had two this year - the scouts stake a flag our in the park strip for every holiday. It looks so pretty to look up and down the street and see multiple flags!
****The weather made me crazy all weekend. It was super cold, windy, and rainy up until today. Today was gorgeous, but not very warm. I was hoping all day Saturday to do 2 runs in preparation for Ragnar. At 4:30 I finally gave in and got on the treadmill because I realized that the wind gusts would not make an outside run pretty. Ugh, treadmill. Then yesterday we had a barbecue - we let the kids eat outside in the cold, but the adults stayed inside where it was warm. Mean? Possibly. I should just expect rain on Memorial Day, I guess.
****I took a picture of all the kids last night during our BBQ (we had our old neighbors who ditched us and moved across the valley over) just to document how big all the kids are getting. Then I lost the picture - where can a picture go from a memory card, I ask? Ugh, again.
****My dad's headstone is now in place. I was so excited to go and see it today. It turned out so nice. My mom put all of her children's names along the bottom - kind of strange to have my name on a headstone, but I'm glad that me and my sisters are accounted for. I hope my dad was pleased that we visited. I have to also say: this is the first year in more than I can count that I have actually visited a cemetery on Memorial Day. Go me!
****Last year, I got approximately 3 iris. This year, they exploded in my front flower bed - they are gorgeous! I took a few of the best blooms down to decorate my dad and grandparent's graves. My grandma would have loved the dark purple ones. (You can just see one over Ben's shoulder in the background of the picture above. Iris are my very favorite flower!!)
****My kids have been dying to go swimming, so swimming we went. It was cold, but they had fun.
****I have decided to do a triathlon in August. I want to write about this, but I am too sleepy to come up with the right words. But, today I swam 200 meters. I wanted to die each time I got to about 30 meters, but I kept swimming. More about this later. But, those 200 meters boosted my confidence that I won't end up on the bottom of the pool during the tri. Wahoo!
How was your Memorial Day?
You will ROCK your triathlon! Go Becky!
P.S. I love irises too! But I have none! I'll rememedy that in my next yard.
I heard it was super cold in Utah this weekend. Not fun.
Kids don’t care if it’s cold. They are running around anyways.
The only flower that has ever bloomed in my yard is some irises. Unfortunately, they are kind of ugly. Brown with cream edges. They already look dead!
Just keep swimming....just keep swimming!
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