Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The third (and fourth) day of Ragnar... true love (bought) for me 12 team shirts, 5 sparkle skirts, 95 degrees, and 3 fabulous vol-unnnnn-teeerssss...

To run a sucessful Ragnar, you have to have a team shirt. Or an attempt at a costume. Or both. (It's down in the rule book.)

The first year that we ran Ragnar, our team name was A 12 Pack of Chafing Tail. This name is an homage to a beer served at our local Squatter's Pub Brewery, Chasing Tail Golden Ale. Except we aren't chasing our tails, we are chafing our tails (aren't you glad I walked you through that one? You're welcome.) So, we had shirts made up with our very own logo. Wahoo! Instant notoriety. Instant camaraderie. We were homies.

Last year, I kept the team name of Chafing Tail because half of our original team and the captain decided to be bad-ass and do the ultra Ragnar (same distance, half the people.) We didn't do shirts, and we modified our team name to Still Chafing Tail. Our team bonding came through our lovely sparkle skirts and sparkle socks. We looked hott...

Now here we are in 2012. To celebrate our awesome team, we did both team shirts and sparkle skirts. Me and my girls Amy, Melanie, Sheila, and Linda are going to be rocking some silver sparkle skirts. The girls and boys in Van 2 (and one of the boys in Van 1 - brave Mike!) are all going to be sporting sparkle socks as well. (I love a man who isn't afraid to sparkle!!)

So, we are doing everything right this year. Costumes and team shirts will make us all bond. I can't wait to get out there and be running with this group of people. We might not be the grand prize winners, but we will look good, and that is all that matters.

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