Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap day snapshot

Because I am a huge copycat, I'm totally copying this post from Amy. And since Leap Day 2016 was a fabulous day (so far!) I'm excited to make a snapshot of today as well as highlight a few of the Leap Days in the past.

Leap Day 1988: I would have been at gymnastics. I was in 7th grade, and that was a terrible year for friends. I was just making friends with a girl named Amber, whose birthday party was the first week in March. Amy was competing in a meet in Sandy, and I missed the Friday night meet for the party. I had a cold and I was not planning on staying the night for the sleepover, but then decided to at the last minute. I can remember my sister Suzette taking me to Party City in Springville so I could pick out Amber's present since my mom was with Amy at the meet.

Leap Day 1992: I was a junior in high school. After a terrible fall, things were a bit better with my friends. I'm pretty sure I smoked my first cigarette in February 1992. What a lovely thing to remember. I was dating a guy from Pleasant Grove that I had met at the Palace Dance club in Provo, Utah. In March, I would dump him and start dating a guy named Daron from West Jordan.

Leap Day 1996: I was at school at Virginia Tech. On Leap Day, I did a performance with my dance group and another dance group at the school named Ujima. I danced in a piece that had been choreographed by a girl with scoliosis so there were no bends in the upper part of the spine, which I thought was really cool.

Leap Day 2000: I had just moved in to my first house the month before. I was working at my same job, and we were on the fourth floor of Eagle Gate in downtown Salt Lake. I sat in an arrangement that we called the Quad and I had three coworkers who sat within feet of me and heard every word I said.

Leap Day 2004: I was training for a marathon that I would do in April. Thomas was 2.5. We had just bought our Nissan Xterra (which we just sold last summer.) Shane and I carpooled to work every day together. I was waiting for the marathon to come so that I could get pregnant with Ben. I read the Time Traveler's Wife for the first time.

Leap Day 2008: Thomas was 6.5, Ben was 3. I still lived across the street from my friend Shelly, and we spent every weekend with our BFFs the Bells. I would have been working at year-end processing at work, just like I've done every February. My dad was still living at home, and I went down a few Thursdays a month to spend the afternoon with him. It was the first year I did SDBBE and I was reading How to Be Good, my friend Isabel's book.

Leap Day 2012: We were living in our current house for almost 2 years. Thomas was 10.5 and Ben was 7. Shane was working at a company down the street - he would change to his current job in 2 months. I was at my job, and we were still in our old building while most of the company was in our current location. Mel and John still lived in Utah, and my dad had been dead for 6 months. I was reading The Dive from Clausen's Pier for SDBBE.

Right now in 2016, we are:

  • We are loving snowshoeing. I'm sort of obsessed with it, actually. We've gone twice in two weeks. This week was our longest one yet. There is only one section of the trails at Solitude resort that we haven't gone on, which makes me feel a bit excited and proud. 
  • Ben just finished indoor soccer. It was an adventure. He had a lot of fun playing with one of his besties, Weston, and the rest of his team. They were sort of ragtag, but that makes even more fond of them for some reason. 
  • Thomas is plugging away at ninth grade. He went to his first region church dance about a week ago. He had so much fun, which made me so happy. I remember going to dances at his age and having the time of my life. He loves to play his Xbox, and spends a lot of Friday and Saturday nights on it with his friends in the basement. I'm pretty proud of the kid he is becoming.
  • Shane is finding himself a little nostalgic for doing household improvements. After spending two years with more than enough projects to do in the basement, it's weird for him to come home on Friday night and not have hours worth of work ahead of him. He's going to build a door for the utility room downstairs (we are jumping on the barn door bandwagon!) so he's got an opportunity to pull out his tool belt soon.
  • I'm trying to figure out this whole being 40 thing. I realized last month that I have choices. I might not be able to control what happens, but I can control how I react to things. I want to take more opportunities to do things I am interested in. Embrace and act are my two words for the year. I'm rereading Time Traveler's Wife and Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince.
Today I: went to work. Had a lovely Gandolfo's turkey avocado sandwich at my desk. Ran on the trail wearing my favorite running tights and new running shirt. Almost finished a project I've been working on for over a month. Picked Ben up from school for the first time since the first of February when he went off track. Did a  five minute workout on Youtube. Left my phone at work. Made chicken bowls for dinner and ate a Rice Krispy treat for dessert.


Amy Sorensen said...

Oh my goodness. I'm still so mad at you for missing my meet! :) j/k. I love that you have that specific memory from 1988. Glad your 2016 LYD was a good one!

Feisty Harriet said...

I love this idea! What an awesome look-back!
