10 years ago, I loved the paint we picked. But I've been itching to paint over our pink paint in our kitchen for about a year. Friday I armed myself with a gazillion paint samples, which Saturday I turned into actual paint, and voila! We were suddenly spending the day painting the kitchen.
My kitchen went from this:
(there is a slight amount of paint on the front wall in this picture, but you see what we were starting from. Light, light, light pink, a la the year 1999.
My handsome husband, who spent the day rolling grey paint on my desperately-needing-to-be-painted walls.

The bruise-purple paint I spent all of Saturday applying to the wall over my kitchen table. I had some doubts whether it would ever cover, but it did. And see the ladder? Yeah, I had to scale the ladder so I could climb on top of the plant shelf/closet you can see to the left of the ladder. I was terrified that I would fall through the sheet rock and so I painted in some pretty awkward positions. By the 4th coat (because yes, it took 4 coats to cover!) I was happily sitting indian style up there. And, in case you wondered, I did wear most of the 10 years worth of dust for the rest of the day.
To this:
The finished product. Well, not totally finished, because I still have to edge the ceiling and paint under the cabinets, but you can see how different it looks.
My beautiful purple wall. I can only thank Melanie and Shelly for teaching me about the awesome power of an angle brush for edges! I love how this corner shows where the gray and purple meet. Oh, and I still have to paint the kitchen nook. It will be pink, which eventually we will carry into the living room, when we can forget how big of a pain painting is, I mean.
Anyway. What did you do this weekend that was unexpected?
Love it. LOVE IT. We may be moving in. That's how much I love it. (You don't mind 4 random strangers showing up, do you?)
Very, very nice, Becky. I want to paint and it has only been 2.5 years. I loooooove the gray.
It turned out gorgeous, Becky! I especially love...well, it all looks great! I'm impressed at your color courage. Kendell HATES our purple kitchen so now I doubt my ability to pick out a good color. You did wonderfully, though. I love it!
I love the colors you chose! I love doing projects like that!
Hmmmm B said you must be "Gettin it on" because your kids were outside playing on a sunday, bet he didn't know you were getting it on with a paintbrush LOL
It looks GREAT! I can't wait to come see it in person!
I didn't do anything un-expected this weekend, worked on two quilt blocks and crochetted 2/3's of a bunny =0P
How exciting! New paint is so refreshing. It looks wonderful, but I'm sad that you discovered what a pain painting is because now I won't be able to convince you to do my house next!
I am so impressed! I love the new colors. It looks great.
I drove through a blizzard this weekend. In April...that was unexpected.
I LOVE IT. Great job, guys!
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